I leave you with the weekly compilation of the best of the rojosfera. This week, to hands of the partner Angels:
I gather the Viul testimony in a red week that has remained abridged, in fact, to a long and intense weekend in which they emphasize three fundamental elements:
- the madness (that seems already irreversible) of the Cabinet and the measurements "elucubradas" last Friday;
- the march against the Seseña corruption to Madrid;
- and the Social Forum celebrated in Madrid and in Barcelona with participation of distint@s compañer@s of IloveI. Nevertheless, the first topic takes most of comments:
The episode demencial of the government.
The Fridays measurements of the Cabinet cry out to the sky. Already on Wednesday our friend bloguero RGAlmazá n was moving forward to us from his Kabila the desires of the management one, of the benefit societies of insurances and: how not! of the Spanish Bank, in: Go three paws for a bank!. And the one that it warns is not a traitor, because on Friday these perverse desires were fulfilled to a great extent. At a few hours of the breakage, in Flies in the Soup the colors were extracting him to the minister Corbacho, clock in hand:" The four and twenty and Corbacho without resigning". For his part, Hugo treated also about the topic concluding with an incisive notice for navigators and affirming that the Spanish socialist party is in suicidal way, while Alberto Garzón gets overturned in the pedagogics and wonders, Socratically: Really are the pensions in danger?. From the Basque Country, Mikel Arana, sees more and more background the retirement age, and perhaps, as summary, be able to propose the opinion of Antonio Rodríguez to the effect that, of following like that the things, the exit of the crisis will not be social.
I know already, either know that the Friday right and the topic of the pensions has taken half of the selection (and I still have remained with desire of quoting otr@s compañer@s, therefore I recommend to them a walk along the agregador of IloveIU), but more the Government of our rights wants to take...
Nevertheless, margin stays to do the selection of the blogs that treat others two topics that he was announcing to them:
On the march against the corruption:
Izquierda Unida has known also this weekend to extract breast, to denounce the corruption without hair in the language, and to defend Manuel Fuentes, mayor of Seseña, although some of them used enclosed Facebook (according to account Pedro Mellado) to be opposed with too many bragging and to paint the portrait in sepia between of those who were not supporting the march not Manuel Fuentes.
Nevertheless, the call has been a success, as also it values it proper Manuel Fuentes interviewed in the blog of ceronegativo, who waited shortly leaves steadfastness with how this one filled tomorrow the Cultural club up to the flag (in this case, red and republican). A kind invitation to feel the pride to belong to IU is found by us also, with photos of the march, in nonentities.
Social forum in Madrid and Barcelona:
To coast also of being too pride (but they know already that if there is something good, sure that someone adds pepper to him saying that it is a sin), I cannot allow recommending The Shoplifter, where Toni Barbarà explains the health workshop in the FSCat, and it celebrates that the association of citizens and city dwellers Dempeus per Salut Pública (that good war has given in spite of his young age) fulfills today, on January 31, his first year of life. And although it seems to past bull, do not also get lost the promotional video of the Social Forum of Madrid that they can see in The dAv blog! d. What is denounced in the same one does not have, for the time being, expiry date.
And since we cannot forget Haiti, I leave them with the recipe of a succulent united cake done by David Montilla (that I know, nothing to see with the President) and his son.
And the next week, more and better, in Kabila.
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